Thursday, May 28, 2009

Streamlight PolyTac / Streamlight PolyTac LED - Estimated Shipping Date

The Streamlight factory has updated the expected ship date for the Streamlight PolyTac and Streamlight PolyTac LED flashlights. They are expected to ship on or around July 1, 2009.

PRE-ORDER NOW, EXPECTED SHIP DATE: July 1, 2009. Use the links below to go ahead and pre-order to be first in line to own these flashlights.

Streamlight PolyTac Flashlights

Streamlight PolyTac LED Flashlights

Best Deals on Streamlight Flashlights -

Streamlight Packmate - Estimated Shipping Date

The Streamlight factory has adjusted their expected ship date for the Streamlight Packmate. They are now expected to start shipping from the Streamlight factory on or around July 15, 2009.

So, PRE-ORDER NOW! EXPECTED SHIP DATE: July 15, 2009. Here's the link to the products and you can also go ahead and pre-order now.

Streamlight PackMate Flashlights

Best Deals on Streamlight Flashlights -